Cecifoot enables visually impaired people to play football.

The CeciFoot club in Précy becomes the first French Paralympic Cécifoot site for the 2024 Olympics!

Last September, this very active club also opened its sports school, which is open every Wednesday and offers, among other things, athletics, accro-sport, goal ball...

Aiglon sponsors the Ceci-Club de Précy: a club, created in 2018 by Fabrice Morgado, in which visually impaired people can play football.

Totally and suddenly blind at the age of 16, Fabrice Morgado was able to bounce back and face his difficulties largely thanks to sport. Selected for the French cecifoot team since 2012, he has competed in 3 European championships and 2 world cups. Silver medallist at the European Championships of Italy in 2013, he is since then the only high level sportsman with a disability in Oise and the Picardy region. He even joined the sports college of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Oise to promote the Paralympics in the department.

Cecifoot is played with 5 players and 2 teams who play against each other on pitches. Only the goalkeeper is sighted. Technical adaptations allow the potential of visually impaired footballers to be optimised. Specific communication, a field and adapted balls allow the athletes to express a collective game of high quality while respecting all the rules of traditional football, with the exception of offside and signalling.

The Ceci Club de Précy works with companies by organising conferences on surpassing oneself, handisport and disability. 

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